速報APP / 遊戲 / Bill in a Maze

Bill in a Maze





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Yad Haruzim 15, Jerusalem, Israel

Bill in a Maze(圖1)-速報App

Help Billy ball roll through the maze. Tilt the device and let the gravity do its job. Hurry to the finish before you roll out of time!

Dozens of large and challenging stages will surprise you with increasing complexity and special effects like: "Teleportation", "Turning point", "Blackout", "Maze stretch" and more.

Time is money, save it and you'll be rewarded with virtual "dollar Bills" that you can use later in the game. Improve your chances by paying a distracting factor off or glance at the map or just save them to buy additional lives when needed. Build your own tactics.

Bill in a Maze(圖2)-速報App

Bill in a Maze(圖3)-速報App

Bill in a Maze(圖4)-速報App

Bill in a Maze(圖5)-速報App

Bill in a Maze(圖6)-速報App

Bill in a Maze(圖7)-速報App

Bill in a Maze(圖8)-速報App